Our vision.
Over the years, the vision has gone from developing the most impressive, to the most aesthetic experiences for our clients. This is no longer the case. A technically advanced website can be far too complicated, and can even damage the user experience if the user does not need this. That is why we have simplified our vision to something simpler:
To develop solutions that people will benefit from today and in the future. We want to see our projects deliver the results our clients are looking for.
We work full stack!
When it comes to websites, we are experienced in working full-stack to streamline all steps from design to development and SEO optimization. We do this with the full-stack framework NEXT JS, a layer above REACT JS that is more SEO-friendly. We integrate this with well-known CMS platforms such as STRAPI, SANITY, netlifycms or Laravel
Work with experience
Bougroug UIUX works with several years of experience in web design and development. This comes from a passion that has been passed down through generations. Something that would not have been possible without the help of mentors and senior developers with more experience in various fields.
If you have further questions about what we do, who we are or how we operate, of course just get in touch.